Tagged: transit

Livable City Challenges Sunday Meter Rollback

Livable City and the San Francisco Transit Riders Union have appealed SFMTA’s decision to roll back San Francisco’s successful Sunday parking meter program. In January 2013, San Francisco finally started enforcing parking meters from 12-6 pm...

Climate Change

Protecting the Earth’s climate from catastrophic climate change depends in large part on rethinking the way we build and operate our cities. San Francisco’s Climate Action Plan found that 51% of San Francisco’s emissions were...

Great Transit for a Livable City

Livable City’s Great Transit campaign is working to create a seamlessly integrated public transit network for San Francisco and the region that is fast, reliable, sustainable, and fully accessible. Our transportation investments should move the city...

Car-Free Living

Our culture’s reliance on the automobile has compromised our personal health, community cohesion, and the local and global environment. San Francisco’s compact and walkable scale, its dense, urbane, and mixed-use neighborhoods, and its extensive...

Livable Neighborhoods Initiative

A livable San Francisco is a network of Livable Neighborhoods. Each neighborhood should have a distinct character, but each should be complete, supporting living, working, commerce, and culture. Livability Goals Advance Priority Transportation and...